Safe Exit

Accessing Services

If you are experiencing domestic violence or afraid for someone in your life, we are here to help. Call our 24-Hour Hotline anytime, 24 hours a day: 877-503-1850. Or message our Text Support Line during business hours Monday through Friday: 415-200-3575.

Our shelter is accessible, confidential and safe. We are following guidelines from the CDC and the San Francisco Department of Public Health to protect the health and safety of La Casa's clients, volunteers, and employees while we provide safe harbor and resources to end cycle of abuse. 

La Casa’s Drop-in Counseling Center is open for walk-ins or by appointment Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm for all services:

Options Counseling | La Casa Resources | Community Referrals | Mail Pick-Up | Toiletry and Diaper Pick-up

All services are open and active:

Emergency Shelter | 24/7 Crisis Lines | Permanent Supportive Housing Services | Text Support Line


An unwavering source of support for survivors of domestic violence and the people who care about them, La Casa de las Madres is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We can help you consider your options and make a plan to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

We’re building a future in which safety is a right in every home and every relationship.

For advice, CALL US 24/7 At 877-503-1850 (Adults) or 877-923-0700 (Teens). Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm you can Access support by text at 415-200-3575 OR call our business office and drop in counseling center at 415-503-0500.

We act to prevent domestic violence and provide support to abuse survivors of all ages.

La Casa de las Madres acts boldly to create a community where violence against women and children is not tolerated. We envision a society in which all individuals and families have equal access to basic resources and asset-building opportunities.  We envision a future where safety and respect in intimate relationships are the norm.

To achieve this future, La Casa offers a continuum of comprehensive and empowering services to women, teens, and children exposed to and at risk of abuse.  We provide access, tools and support—clinical and peer-based—that strengthen their ability to affect change and break the cycle of violence.

Your Support Directly Supports Survivors and their Families.

See What We’ve Done Together…Since January 2020.

Calls for Help Answered:


Survivors Supported:


Community Members Reached:


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